◆ Hainan Soo Technology Co., LTD
◆ Hainan Green Financial Service Cluster Management Co., LTD
◆ Hainan Souzubao Chaser Cultural Industry Development Co., LTD
Search Group's "science and technology, finance, media" three sectors deep farming closed loop, the formation of the whole industrial chain service ecosystem, a full range of service agricultural products enterprises, operators and consumer needs.
"Chain economy" business model
Let everyone share the same destiny and wealth
"Chain economy" is the original business model of China Search Group, with the support of the group's troika, serving 3,451 leading enterprises and millions of specialty stores, restaurants, supermarkets and other offline physical stores, and ultimately with multi-faceted linkage and multi-field integration of the collective economic model, serving China's 1.4 billion people.
◆ Agricultural industrialization and clustering promote industrial symbiosis
3451 Leading enterprises are the representative enterprises of agricultural industrialization, the new force leading to the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas and the modernization of agriculture and rural areas, the backbone of creating the whole agricultural industry chain and building a modern rural industrial system, the important main body driving the increase of farmers' employment and income, and play an irreplaceable role in accelerating the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas.
Under the guidance of the national strategy, Soo Group uses the "troika" of finance, technology and media as its engine to create an incubator ecosystem for agricultural products enterprises, enabling leading agricultural enterprises to revive and become bigger and stronger, so as to help the brand construction of high-quality agricultural products with regional characteristics, promote the high-quality development of modern agriculture, and achieve farmers' income increase, enterprise efficiency increase, and collective enrichment. Chuan Chi, Tongbao, Jinghe Ranch, Yunshan Show, Hainan pepper... A microcosm of the transformation of the construction achievements of "3451 Project" constitutes a vivid portrayal of the way out of seeking common prosperity under the "chain economy" model.
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